Shooting Star Jelly
Public sculpture, HAMGlass, 2021
Hopealaakso Daycare Centre Kruunuvuorenranta, Helsinki.
HAM Curators: Kristiina Ljokkoi and Aleksandra Kiskonen
Photos: Sonja Hyytiäinen ©HAM
Architecture: AFKS Arkkitehdit
Space stretches like a giant piece of jelly, pulled by the masses of celestial bodies large and small. The piece Tähdenlentovanukas (‘Shooting Star Jelly’) is on the hall window. The moment after melting and blending has been captured in the glass, reminiscent of solidified lava in stone.
The three works including Sand Grain Glow, Copper Mount Stash and Shooting Star Jelly are based on the history of Hopealaakso and the idea of mineral evolution. In the beginning there were only a few minerals, but oxygen generating life has encouraged minerals to evolve and shapeshift. In the 18th century many minerals were discovered in the area – named ‘Silver Valley’ in Finnish – silver, chalcopyrite, zinc pyrite, calcite, galena and sphalerite. In these works the minerals appear in glass and clay.
“Kangaskoski’s pieces bring a throw-back to the last centuries’ local history into the daycare centre, but also parallel our day-to-day conception of time with geological time.” Kristiina Ljokkoi HAM
Copper Mound Stash
Public sculpture, HAM
Glazed ceramics, 2021
Hopealaakso Daycare Centre Kruunuvuorenranta, Helsinki.
HAM Curators: Kristiina Ljokkoi and Aleksandra Kiskonen
Photos above: Hannu Rytky
Photos below: Sonja Hyytiäinen ©HAM
Architecture: AFKS Arkkitehdit
The work Kuparikumpujenkätkö (‘Copper Mound Stash’) is located in the shaft of light between the building’s two floors. The work is made with glazed ceramics and built of shapes opening downwards, like boulders that seem ancient and peaceful when viewed from above. Inside, these boulders reveal the slow process of mineralisation and change that has lasted several million years.
The three works including Sand Grain Glow, Copper Mount Stash and Shooting Star Jelly are based on the history of Hopealaakso and the idea of mineral evolution. In the beginning there were only a few minerals, but oxygen generating life has encouraged also minerals to evolve and shapeshift. In the 18th century many minerals were discovered in the area – named ‘Silver Valley’ in Finnish – silver, chalcopyrite, zinc pyrite, calcite, galena and sphalerite. In these works the minerals appear as glass and clay.

Touching series, 2020
Unfired clay
In the midst of the pandemic it became clear how important touch is for the individual as well as for the society at large. The building block of the sculpture is a cone formed by pressing clay again and again against the index finger.
Located at Kulosaaren puistotie in Helsinki on a public space between the cycleway and the sound barrier to the metro. Subject to conditions, the unfired clay withered, slowly turning into ruins and eventually back to earth.
This series was initiated during the Kone Foundation Home residency.
Touching series, 2020
Unfired clay
In the midst of the pandemic it became clear how important touch is for the individual as well as for the society at large. The building block of the sculpture is a cone formed by pressing clay again and again against the index finger.
Located at Kulosaaren puistotie in Helsinki on a public space between the cycleway and the sound barrier to the metro. Subject to conditions, the unfired clay withered, slowly turning into ruins and eventually back to earth.
This series was initiated during the Kone Foundation Home residency.
Sand Grain Glow
Public sculpture, HAM
Glass, 2021
Hopealaakso Daycare Centre Kruunuvuorenranta, Helsinki.
HAM Curators: Kristiina Ljokkoi and Aleksandra Kiskonen
Glass-blowing: Kari Alakoski & Marja Hepo-Aho, assistant Tiia Tirronen
Photos: Sonja Hyytiäinen ©HAM
Architecture: AFKS Arkkitehdit
The pieces of glass poking through the wall are like jewels rising from the depths of the earth. The mineral deposit on the side of the building is a reminder of the wonders of nature crystallising over time. Glass consists mostly of fine sand that melts under intense heat and becomes a material that shimmers in the light.
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